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Thể loại:Phim Ngắn, Phim Tình Cảm
Quốc gia:Phim Philippines
Thời lượng:Full
Năm phát hành:2015

Nội Dung Phim Crazy Beautiful You Full Cuối

Xem bộ phim Crazy Beautiful You của nam diễn viên Daniel Padilla full HD vietsub Latest new movie of Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla. Both has done successful movie together like Must Be love, She’s Dating The Gangster. This movie is also based on romance. This film is a romantic comedy drama film.
Jackie (Kathryn Bernardo) forces her mother to take her in a medical mission in Tarlac. There Jackie meets a Joyy lag named Kiko(Daniel Padilla).
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After that he make make that she gets all her taks done. In middile of his mission he and Jackie discover crazy and beautiful.
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1;http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k4Fy9DfrorHgxGauCCx?start=4|2-End;http://www.dailymotion.com/video/kIH6sstC4GWZMwauCCx?start=2|Bản full;http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2pemtk_crazy-beautiful-you-2015-full-movie-i-filipino_music|

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